Found 35 Category selected «Burgers - המבורגר - БУРГЕРНЫЕ» в городе North - צפון - Север.

Agadir Burger Haifa - אגאדיר בורגר חיפה


Agadir Burger Haifa - אגאדיר בורגר חיפה
The most interesting reviews
שירות מהיר, אוכל טעים, מקום טוב להזמין משלוח הביתה
Быстрое обслуживание, вкусная еда, хорошее место для заказа доставки на дом
Fast service, delicious food, good place to order home delivery
הזמנו חזה עוף. היה ממש טעי...
The most interesting reviews
שירות מהיר, אוכל טעים, מקום טוב להזמין משלוח הביתה
Быстрое обслуживание, вкусная еда, хорошее место для заказа доставки на дом
Fast service, delicious food, good place to order home delivery
הזמנו חזה עוף. היה ממש טעי...

BBB Burgus Burger Bar Afula


Afula - עפולה - Афула, North - צפון - Север
Afula - עפולה - Афула, פרנדלי עמק סנטר, Yitshak Rabin Boulevard 18
BBB BurgusBurgerBar Afula
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened branches a...
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened branches a...

BBB Burgus Burger Bar Karmiel


Karmiel - כרמיאל - Кармиэль, Север
Karmiel - כרמיאל - Кармиэль, ביג כרמיאל, Ma'ale Kamon St 2
Ресторан БургусБургерБар в Кармиэле
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened ...
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened ...

BBB Burgus Burger Bar Nahariya


Ресторан БургусБургерБар в Нагарии
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened b...
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened b...

BBB Burgus Burger Bar Nazareth - Nof HaGalil


Nof HaGalil - נוף הגליל - Ноф , North - צפון - Север
Nof HaGalil - נוף הגליל - Ноф ХаГалиль, דודג' סנטר, Derech Ariel Sharon 41
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened branches all over the country.
The B...
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened branches all over the country.
The B...

BBB BurgusBurgerBar Haifa Auditorium Square Mall


BBB BurgusBurgerBar Haifa
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened branches a...
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened branches a...

BBB BurgusBurgerBar Rosh Pina


Rosh Pinna - ראש פינה - Рош П, North - צפון - Север
Rosh Pinna - ראש פינה - Рош Пина, סנטר הגליל, HaTapu'ach St 3
BBB BurgusBurgerBar Rosh Pina
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened branch...
The BurgusBurgerBar restaurant chain offers a menu with a large selection of burgers and dishes of European and North American cuisine.
BBB is a chain of American diner-style bars. The first BBB restaurant opened ten years ago and has since opened branch...

Black Bar Burger Haifa - בלאק חיפה עופר גרנד קניון


These guys in Israel know how to make burgers. They created an interesting brand, quality and service. Black Bar Burgers is delicious
Эти ребята в Израиле умеют делать бургеры. Интересный создали бренд, качество и сервис. Блэк Бар Бургерс - это вкусно
החבר'ה האלה בישראל יודעים להכין המבורגרים. הם יצרו מותג מעניין, איכות ושירות. ב...
Эти ребята в Израиле умеют делать бургеры. Интересный создали бренд, качество и сервис. Блэк Бар Бургерс - это вкусно
החבר'ה האלה בישראל יודעים להכין המבורגרים. הם יצרו מותג מעניין, איכות ושירות. ב...

Black Bar Burger Zihron Yakov


Zihron Yaakov - זכרון יעקב - , Север
Zihron Yaakov - זכרון יעקב - Зихрон Яаков, קניון זכרון
These guys in Israel know how to make burgers. They created an interesting brand, quality and service. Black Bar Burgers is delicious
Эти ребята в Израиле умеют делать бургеры. Интересный создали бренд, качество и сервис. Блэк Бар Бургерс - это вкусно
החבר'ה האלה בישראל יודעים להכין המבורגרים. הם יצרו מותג מעניין, איכות ושירות. ב...
Эти ребята в Израиле умеют делать бургеры. Интересный создали бренд, качество и сервис. Блэк Бар Бургерс - это вкусно
החבר'ה האלה בישראל יודעים להכין המבורגרים. הם יצרו מותג מעניין, איכות ושירות. ב...

Black Burger Haifa Cinemall


Black Burger Haifa Cinemall
The BLACK burger chain was founded in 2004. The chain now has 14 branches throughout the country, including those with kosher cuisine. Restaurants offer 12 types of hamburgers.
Сеть бургерных BLACK была основана в 2004 году. Сейчас сеть имеет 14 филиалов по всей стране, в том числе с кошерной кухней. Р...
The BLACK burger chain was founded in 2004. The chain now has 14 branches throughout the country, including those with kosher cuisine. Restaurants offer 12 types of hamburgers.
Сеть бургерных BLACK была основана в 2004 году. Сейчас сеть имеет 14 филиалов по всей стране, в том числе с кошерной кухней. Р...