מדריך לעסקים ישראלים

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Category selected «Osteopath - Остеопат - אוסטאופת» в городе Jerusalem - ירושלים - Иерусалим.


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Rafaele Hana Ostéopathe - חנה אוסטאופתית
Osteopathy by Rafaele Hana
My goal is to seek out and correct the origin of the imbalance responsible for your pain, which will spontaneously correct other disorders.
To do this, I use my osteopathic tests and techniques.
So during a session and to free you from your pain as quickly as possible, I use a range of osteopathic tool...
Shanan Sher, Osteopath, Jerusalem & Tel Aviv שנן שר מומחה לאוסטאופתיה וקרניו סקראל

Jerusalem - ירושלים - Иерусали, Jerusalem District - מחוז ירושלים - Иерусалимский округ

Jerusalem - ירושלים - Иерусалим, המרכז הרפואי ירושלים, Diskin St 9א

Shanan Sher is senior osteopath in Israel with over 30 years experience. He has done extensive post-graduate work treating adults and babies
Shanan qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 1993. He was one of the first osteopaths to work on the National Health Service in the UK. He has a degree in Psychology from the Uni...