Found 93 Category selected «MINISTRIES AND DEPARTMENTS - משרדים ומחלקות - МИНИСТЕРСТВА И ВЕДОМСТВА» в городе Center - מרכז - Центр.
Ambassade de France - שגרירות צרפת - Посольство Франции в Израиле
Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Центральный округ
Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Retsif Herbert Samuel St 112
Chancellerie diplomatique
Le terme traditionnel de chancellerie désigne le lieu où est enfermé le sceau officiel. Ainsi, depuis des siècles, la chancellerie diplomatique est le service qui assiste l’Ambassadeur dans ses fonctions de représentant officiel du Chef de l’État et de...
Le terme traditionnel de chancellerie désigne le lieu où est enfermé le sceau officiel. Ainsi, depuis des siècles, la chancellerie diplomatique est le service qui assiste l’Ambassadeur dans ses fonctions de représentant officiel du Chef de l’État et de...
Bat Yam Municipality - Муниципалитет (Ирия) Бат-Яма
Часы приёма в Мэрии Бат Яма:
Воскресенье, Понедельник, Среда, Четверг с 8-00 до 14-30
Вторник с 16-00 до 18-15
Городской диспетчерский центр и обращения общественности
Свяжитесь с нами, чтобы сообщить об опасности
Городской центр обращений граждан при муниципалитете Бат Яма осуществляет связь между жителями города и различными...
Воскресенье, Понедельник, Среда, Четверг с 8-00 до 14-30
Вторник с 16-00 до 18-15
Городской диспетчерский центр и обращения общественности
Свяжитесь с нами, чтобы сообщить об опасности
Городской центр обращений граждан при муниципалитете Бат Яма осуществляет связь между жителями города и различными...
Bituah Leumi Bnei Brak - Битуах Леуми - Ведомство Национального страхования, филиал в Бней Браке - הביטוח הלאומי סניף בני ברק
*6050, 04-8812345
Bnei Brak - בני ברק - Бней Бра, Center - מרכז - Центр
Bnei Brak - בני ברק - Бней Брак, Aharonovich 12
Take-up of rights according to events in life
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Bituah Leumi Holon - Битуах Леуми - Ведомство Национального страхования, филиал в Холоне - הביטוח הלאומי סניף חולון
Take-up of rights according to events in life
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Bituah Leumi Kfar Saba - Битуах Леуми - Ведомство Национального страхования, филиал в Кфар-Сабе - הביטוח הלאומי סניף כפר סבא
*6050, 04-8812345
Kefar Sava - כפר סבא - Кфар Са, Center - מרכז - Центр
Kefar Sava - כפר סבא - Кфар Саба, Weizmann 39
Take-up of rights according to events in life
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Bituah Leumi Petah Tikva - Битуах Леуми - Ведомство Национального страхования, филиал в Петах-Тикве - הביטוח הלאומי סניף פתח תקוה
*6050, 04-8812345
Petah-Tikva - פתח תקווה - Пета, Center - מרכז - Центр
Petah-Tikva - פתח תקווה - Петах-Тиква, Rothschild St 72
Take-up of rights according to events in life
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Bituah Leumi Ramat Gan - Битуах Леуми - Ведомство Национального страхования, филиал в Рамат-Гане - הביטוח הלאומי סניף רמת גן
*6050, 04-8812345
Ramat Gan - רמת גן - Рамат-Ган, Center - מרכז - Центр
Ramat Gan - רמת גן - Рамат-Ган, HaHashmona'im 15
Take-up of rights according to events in life
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Bituah Leumi Ramla - Битуах Леуми - Ведомство Национального страхования, филиал в Рамле - הביטוח הלאומי סניף רמלה
Take-up of rights according to events in life
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Bituah Leumi Rehovot - Битуах Леуми - Ведомство Национального страхования, филиал в Реховоте - הביטוח הלאומי סניף רחובות
*6050, 04-8812345
Rehovot - רחובות - Реховот, Center - מרכז - Центр
Rehovot - רחובות - Реховот, David Remez 64
Take-up of rights according to events in life
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Bituah Leumi Rishon LeTsion - Битуах Леуми - Ведомство Национального страхования, филиал в Ришон ле Ционе - הביטוח הלאומי סניף ראשון לציון
*6050, 04-8812345
Rishon LeTsion - רִאשׁוֹן לְצִ, Center - מרכז - Центр
Rishon LeTsion - רִאשׁוֹן לְצִיּוֹן - Ришон ле-Цион, Israel Galili St 7
Take-up of rights according to events in life
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...