מדריך לעסקים ישראלים

Found 1028


Подрубрики в рубрике:

Podiatrist - Подиатр, Подолог - פודיאטר,  ПЕДИАТРЫ,  Obstetrician-gynecologist - ГИНЕКОЛОГИ - רופא נשים,  Otolaryngologist - ОТОЛАРИНГОЛОГИ-ЛОР - אף אוזן גרון,  УРОЛОГИ - אורולוגיה,  ЭНДОКРИНОЛОГИ,  Cardiologist - КАРДИОЛОГИ - קרדיולוגים,  Surgeon - ХИРУРГИ - מְנַתֵחַ,  Онкологи,  ДЕРМАТОЛОГИ - רופאי עור,  РЕВМАТОЛОГИ,  Ophthalmologist - רופא עיניים - ОФТАЛЬМОЛОГИ,  НЕВРОЛОГИ - נוירולוגיה,  Orthopedic surgeon - ОРТОПЕДЫ - אורטופדים,  ГАСТРОЭНТЕРОЛОГИ - גסטרואנטרולוגים,  Нефрологи,  ТЕРАПЕВТЫ,  ПУЛЬМОНОЛОГИ,  Психиатры, Психотерапевты,  Physical therapy clinic - ФИЗИОТЕРАПЕВТЫ - פיזיותרפיה,  Allergist - אלרגיסט - Аллерголог,  Osteopath - Остеопат - אוסטאופת


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KRASNYANSKY SEMION, MD - Ортопед Семён Краснянский - ד"ר סמיון קרסניאנסקי

Haifa - חיפה - Хайфа, North - צפון - Север

Haifa - חיפה - Хайфа, Sderot HaHistadrut 55, Kfar Tavor, POB 506, 15241, Israel Phone: 972-4-6725973

072-3305363, в Афуле *2700
Dr. Semyon Krasniansky is a specialist in orthopedic surgery, director of the hip joint surgery service at the "Haemek" medical center in Afula, performs hip and knee joint replacement surgeries, specializes in joint diseases, hand diseases and surgery, and general orthopedics. He performs private surgeries and privately receives c...
Marc Sarfati Podologue-Podiatrist Tel Aviv

Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Center - מרכז - Центр

Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Lilienblum St 6

Marc Sarfati is a D.E (State Qualified) Podiatrist from a French establishment approved by the Ministry of Health.
During his years of study, he completed numerous internships in hospitals as well as in sports centers.
At the same time, he completed additional training in Sports Podiatry, Podo Pediatrics and Diabetology.
Before ...
MBClinic בהנהלת בוריס מורוז: רפואה משולבת, אוסטאופטיה (DO), דיקור יבש, טיפול בגלי הלם

Hadera - חדרה - Хадера, North - צפון - Север

Hadera - חדרה - Хадера, Hativat Golani 14

​Клиника интегративной медицины. Ортопедическая и неврологическая реабилитация. Oстеопатиея, сухое иглоукалывание и ударно волновая терапия.
В клинике сочетаются методы традиционной западной медицины и альтернативной медицины. Самое современное оборудование для достижения максимального результата. Использование интеграти...
Medical Ofir מדיקל אופיר

Ashdod - אשדוד - Ашдод, South - דרום - Юг

Ashdod - אשדוד - Ашдод, Ha-Tikva St 4

"Medical Ophir" Ltd. is an orthopedic foot health company.
The company specializes in the production and sale of advanced insoles for people suffering from various orthopedic problems, starting from incorrect positioning of the foot, incorrect posture of the body, as well as various health problems.
The company was founded in 197...
Montefiore Clinic of Physiotherapy and Osteopathy - Клиника Монтефиоре Физиотерапия и Остеопатия - מרפאת מונטיפיורי לפיזיותרפיה ואוסטאופתיה

Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Center - מרכז - Центр

Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Yosef Karo St 15

Licensed Physical Therapist, Certified Osteopath
If you have one of the following diagnoses, there is a good chance that we can help you.
Intervertebral disc herniation
Osteoarthritis of the joints
Patellofemoral pain syndrome
Heel spur and inflammation of the Achilles tendon
Orthopedic rehabilitat...
Ori Plotkin אורי פלוטקין אוסטאופת בפרדס חנה כרכור ובראשל"צ

Pardes Hanna-Karkur - פרדס חנה, North - צפון - Север

Pardes Hanna-Karkur - פרדס חנה כרכור - Пардес Хана-Каркур, Arbel St 22, ראשון לציון קאנטרי גלי הדר

My name is Ori and I am a certified osteopath D.O, a graduate of 5 years of osteopathy studies at the academic college at the Wingate Institute.
Member of the professional association for osteopathy in Israel - RAI and the Israeli Society for Musculoskeletal Medicine
In the past I taught as part of the teaching staff for osteopat...
Orthopedist of the hand and arm Dr. Victor Feldman - Ортопед кисти и руки Доктор Виктор Фельдман - דר' ויקטור פלדמן

Kefar Sava - כפר סבא - Кфар Са, Center - מרכז - Центр

Kefar Sava - כפר סבא - Кфар Саба, Rapaport St 3

Dr. Feldman graduated from medical studies with high honors. Specialist in orthopedic surgery and specializes in hand surgery at the Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba. Lecturer at Ariel University, and at the School of Nursing at Meir Hospital. He frequently participates in training courses and courses in the fields of orthopedics and lec...
Oshri Barel Ошри Барель ד״ר אושרי בראל

Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Center - מרכז - Центр

Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, אסותא רמת החייל - הברזל 20, תל אביב, קומה 2 מתחם גינקולוגיה, 15, נס ציונה - מרפאת לליב, קמפוס יובלים בניין B קומה 3 אסותא כלניות - שד' מנחם בגין 126 אשדוד

וואטסאפ 054-2592902
Dr. Oshari Bar El, Director of the Women's Department in the Department of Women and Midwives at Asuta Ashdod Public Hospital, is a graduate of the Technion Faculty of Medicine with honors. He specialized in gynecology, midwifery and fertility at "Assaf Harofeh" and went on to do a super-specialty in complex minimally invasive gyne...
Osteopathe Netanya Johanna Esseryk Amouyal OSTÉOPATHE D.O

Netanya - נתניה - Нетания, Hasharon - השרון - Ха-шарон

Netanya - נתניה - Нетания, Derech HaPark 13

My name is Johanna Eserik, osteopath, graduated from Ostebio, France, approved by the Ministry of Health in France, trained in prenatal and pediatric osteopathy, management of the postural deficit in children and teenagers, prevention and treatment of malformations of the baby's skull
Osteopath at Carpi Anne Valois Medical Center ...
Osteopathic Clinic in Beer-Sheva - Остеопатическая клиника - אוסטאופתיק קליניק

Beer-Sheva - באר שבע - Беэр-Ше, South - דרום - Юг

Beer-Sheva - באר שבע - Беэр-Шева, Kdoshei Saloniki St 38

Osteopathic Clinic
Here is a clinic that specializes in providing solutions through treatment methods from the complementary medicine family. We provide an answer to a large variety of pains using different treatment methods suitable for every age, even for repairs.
We believe in a satisfied customer, so we do our best to provide...
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