מדריך לעסקים ישראלים

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Category selected «CABINETS - ארונות - ШКАФЫ, раздвижные шкафы, шкафы-купе»


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Aronot Riviera ארונות ריביירה

Netanya - נתניה - Нетания, Ха-шарон

Netanya - נתניה - Нетания, Mefi 5 СОХО

В Торговом Центре СОХО Нетания
Часы работы:
Воскресенье - Четверг с 10-00 до 21-00
Пятница с 9-00 до 14-00
Balas Design Herzliya - בלס דיזיין - ארונות וחדרי ארונות איכותיים

Herzliya - הרצליה - Герцлия, Center - מרכז - Центр

Herzliya - הרצליה - Герцлия, Sderot Ben Gurion 32

Balas Design Herzliya - בלס דיזיין - ארונות וחדרי ארונות איכותיים
Компания более 30 лет занимается изготовлением шкафов купе.
The company has been manufacturing sliding wardrobes for over 30 years....
Basis Kitchens בסיס מטבחים

Bat-Yam - בת ים - Бат-Ям, Center - מרכז - Центр

Bat-Yam - בת ים - Бат-Ям, Ehud Kinnamon 45

Компания Басис Китченс работает с 2005 года и занимается изготовлением мебели для кухни, раздвижных шкафов, мебели для ванной
The Basis Kitchens company has been operating since 2005 and is engaged in the manufacture of kitchen furniture, sliding wardrobes, and bathroom furniture
Ben Itay בן איתי חדרי ילדים ונוער

Rishon LeTsion - רִאשׁוֹן לְצִ, Center - מרכז - Центр

Rishon LeTsion - רִאשׁוֹן לְצִיּוֹן‏ - Ришон ле-Цион, Yosef Lishanski Blvd 4

The company "Ben Itai Children's and Youth Rooms" was established by the Levy family in 1986. When Ben Itai was born, it was the beginning of the realization of a dream that had been woven for about 30 years, since Israel Levy was 13 years old, he began his career in the furniture industry.
A small and humble menagerie on Harushot...
Class Delet קלאס דלת

Holon - חולון - Холон, Center - מרכז - Центр

Holon - חולון - Холон, אזור התעשייה חולון, Ha-Melakha St 22

מוצריםארונות הזזהארונות פתיחהחדרי ארונותארונות קיר הזזהחדר ארונות
A family-run company founded in 1959 by the brothers Avraham, Yoram and Yaakov Ohana
Class Door opens a door to a new world of home design for you, and offers a selection of unique and functional quality furniture with an impressive design, made by the best compani...
Doron furniture

Beer-Sheva - באר שבע - Беэр-Ше, South - דרום - Юг

Beer-Sheva - באר שבע - Беэр-Шева, HaNagarim St 33

In 1949 by the Schweinkelstein family. In the years 1992 - 2004 it was managed by Avi Schweinkelstein, the son of the founders. At that time, the company included a manufacturing plant with old equipment, employed about 16 employees, 2 small stores and the sales volume was about 2 orders per day. In 2005, the company was acquired b...
Doron furniture

Bnei Brak - בני ברק - Бней Бра, Center - מרכז - Центр

Bnei Brak - בני ברק - Бней Брак, Lekhi St 19

In 1949 by the Schweinkelstein family. In the years 1992 - 2004 it was managed by Avi Schweinkelstein, the son of the founders. At that time, the company included a manufacturing plant with old equipment, employed about 16 employees, 2 small stores and the sales volume was about 2 orders per day. In 2005, the company was acquired b...
Doron furniture

Afula - עפולה - Афула, North - צפון - Север

Afula - עפולה - Афула, Sderot Menachem Begin 80

In 1949 by the Schweinkelstein family. In the years 1992 - 2004 it was managed by Avi Schweinkelstein, the son of the founders. At that time, the company included a manufacturing plant with old equipment, employed about 16 employees, 2 small stores and the sales volume was about 2 orders per day. In 2005, the company was acquired b...
Doron furniture Ashdod רהיטי דורון

Ashdod - אשדוד - Ашдод, Юг

Ashdod - אשדוד - Ашдод, HaOrgim האורגים 19

Филиал Мебель Дорон в Ашдоде
רשימת סניפיםעל החברהמשרות פנויות
סרטוניםחומרי הגלםכתבות
נגישותמפת אתרהסכם תנאי מכירה ואספקה
Creating a happy, pleasant, supportive living environment that encourages creativity for all our customers. Improving livelihood, enjoyment and satisfaction for the company's employees and suppliers. To benef...
Doron furniture Bilu

Kiryat Ekron - קרית עקרון - Ки, Center - מרכז - Центр

Kiryat Ekron - קרית עקרון - Кирьят-Экрон, Bussy Saint Georges St 18

In 1949 by the Schweinkelstein family. In the years 1992 - 2004 it was managed by Avi Schweinkelstein, the son of the founders. At that time, the company included a manufacturing plant with old equipment, employed about 16 employees, 2 small stores and the sales volume was about 2 orders per day. In 2005, the company was acquired b...
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