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Category selected «Musical instruments - Музыкальные инструменты - כְּלֵי נְגִינָה»


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Kley Zemer Rishon LeTsion כלי זמר

Rishon LeTsion - רִאשׁוֹן לְצִ, Center - מרכז - Центр

Rishon LeTsion - רִאשׁוֹן לְצִיּוֹן‏ - Ришон ле-Цион, David Saharov 19

Guitars Keyboards Pianos Sound amplification and studio Drums and percussion Wind instruments String instruments Accessories
When Yoel Brand, CEO of the Klei Zemer chain, purchased Klei Zemer in 1967, he had no idea that one day Klei Zemer would become a leading company in its field in Israel in the field of musical instrum...
Kley Zemer Tel Aviv כלי זמר

Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Center - מרכז - Центр

Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Dizengoff St 50 Dizengoff Center

Guitars Keyboards Pianos Sound amplification and studio Drums and percussion Wind instruments String instruments Accessories
When Yoel Brand, CEO of the Klei Zemer chain, purchased Klei Zemer in 1967, he had no idea that one day Klei Zemer would become a leading company in its field in Israel in the field of musical instrum...
Kley Zemer כלי זמר חדרה

Hadera - חדרה - Хадера, North - צפון - Север

Hadera - חדרה - Хадера, Tsahal St 2

Guitars Keyboards Pianos Sound amplification and studio Drums and percussion Wind instruments String instruments Accessories
When Yoel Brand, CEO of the Klei Zemer chain, purchased Klei Zemer in 1967, he had no idea that one day Klei Zemer would become a leading company in its field in Israel in the field of musical instrum...
Kley Zemer כלי זמר טבריה

Tiberias - טבריה - Тверия, North - צפון - Север

Tiberias - טבריה - Тверия, HaGalil St 60-64

Guitars Keyboards Pianos Sound amplification and studio Drums and percussion Wind instruments String instruments Accessories
When Yoel Brand, CEO of the Klei Zemer chain, purchased Klei Zemer in 1967, he had no idea that one day Klei Zemer would become a leading company in its field in Israel in the field of musical instrum...
Kley Zemer כלי זמר מודיעין
Guitars Keyboards Pianos Sound amplification and studio Drums and percussion Wind instruments String instruments Accessories
When Yoel Brand, CEO of the Klei Zemer chain, purchased Klei Zemer in 1967, he had no idea that one day Klei Zemer would become a leading company in its field in Israel in the field of musical instrum...
Kley Zemer כלי זמר נהריה

Nahariya - נהריה‏‎ - Наария, North - צפון - Север

Nahariya - נהריה‏‎ - Наария, Hertsel 81

Guitars Keyboards Pianos Sound amplification and studio Drums and percussion Wind instruments String instruments Accessories
When Yoel Brand, CEO of the Klei Zemer chain, purchased Klei Zemer in 1967, he had no idea that one day Klei Zemer would become a leading company in its field in Israel in the field of musical instrum...
Kley Zemer כלי זמר נתניה

Netanya - נתניה - Нетания, Hasharon - השרון - Ха-шарон

Netanya - נתניה - Нетания, בניין דלק, Sderot Giborei Israel 7

Guitars Keyboards Pianos Sound amplification and studio Drums and percussion Wind instruments String instruments Accessories
When Yoel Brand, CEO of the Klei Zemer chain, purchased Klei Zemer in 1967, he had no idea that one day Klei Zemer would become a leading company in its field in Israel in the field of musical instrum...
Levis Musical
 пока нет отзывов

Кирьят Бялик, Крайот

Кирьят Бялик, Derekh Akko Haifa, д. 12

Магазин музыкальных инструментов...
Melnik Pianos

Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Center - מרכז - Центр

Tel-Aviv - תל אביב - Тель-Авив, Dizengoff St 125

В 1945 году Дэвид Мелник основал Мельник Пианос - пианистский магазин на улице Дизенгоффа 119 в Тель-Авиве. В 1962 году Дэвид Мелник погиб в автокатастрофе. Сын, Пинхас Мельника, в возрасте 19 лет, только что выпустили из армии, чтобы управлять магазином и обеспечивать свою семью. В 1969 году магазин переехал в ...
Next-Pro נקסט פרו

Kefar Sava - כפר סבא - Кфар Са, Center - מרכז - Центр

Kefar Sava - כפר סבא - Кфар Саба, Tchernichovsky St 45


Music is everything.

At Next-Pro, we not only serve musicians, sound professionals, and music enthusiasts - we are also music lovers ourselves, so you can always count on the fact that everyone here is "crazy about music" just like you :)

Next-Pro was established in 2004 under the name "Live", initially as a...
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