Found 307 Category selected «MINISTRIES AND DEPARTMENTS - משרדים ומחלקות - МИНИСТЕРСТВА И ВЕДОМСТВА»

Jerusalem - ירושלים - Иерусали, Jerusalem District - מחוז ירושלים - Иерусалимский округ
Jerusalem - ירושלים - Иерусалим, Shim'on Ben Shatakh St 4
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...

Jerusalem - ירושלים - Иерусали, Jerusalem District - מחוז ירושלים - Иерусалимский округ
Jerusalem - ירושלים - Иерусалим, רחוב בר לב 16 ירושלים (צמוד לבניין ההסתדרות)
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...

Karmiel - כרמיאל - Кармиэль, North - צפון - Север
Karmiel - כרמיאל - Кармиэль, HaKabai 3
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...

Kefar Sava - כפר סבא - Кфар Са, Center - מרכז - Центр
Kefar Sava - כפר סבא - Кфар Саба, Weizmann 39
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...

Haifa - חיפה - Хайфа, North - צפון - Север
Haifa - חיפה - Хайфа, Sderot Achi Eilat 50
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...

Nahariya - נהריה - Наария, North - צפון - Север
Nahariya - נהריה - Наария, Weizman 62
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...

Nazaret - נצרת - Назарет, North - צפון - Север
Nazaret - נצרת - Назарет, אזור התעשייה, המחצבות 3
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...

Netanya - נתניה - Нетания, Hasharon - השרון - Ха-шарон
Netanya - נתניה - Нетания, Herzl St 68
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...

Petah-Tikva - פתח תקווה - Пета, Center - מרכז - Центр
Petah-Tikva - פתח תקווה - Петах-Тиква, Rothschild St 72
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...

Ramat Gan - רמת גן - Рамат-Ган, Center - מרכז - Центр
Ramat Gan - רמת גן - Рамат-Ган, HaHashmona'im 15
Rights by population groups
Ill person's rights
Rights of NII benefit recipients in other organizations and institutions
Frequent questions
Useful advices on rights realization
Examining the possibility of receiving more than one benefit
"Helping Hand" centers
Kol Z...